• There are several ways to make an appointment with an escort. The fastest way is by telephone, by Whatsapp, but we also suggest you access the booking form available on the web. It is a simple procedure through which you can indicate what the escort of your choice, the date and time that you wish your intimate encounter took place. She will see your message and will contact you.
  • Being independent escorts, each has its own tariff. We recommend stay with her and make payment only in cash. Some escorts accept credit card, You can recognize them by this symbol on your cover photo.

  • All images that have the logo “100% Verified” by NenasPerú are taken by a professional photographer. We guarantee the authenticity and realism of photographs, which they are constantly updated. The texts accompanying the chips are accurate and actual data are written after obtaining Escorts.

  • Discretion is essential and one of our biggest guarantees. No personal data will be relieved to third parties. The website (its database) is encrypted forms and data travel through secure channels.

    • You must be of legal age and able to accredit.
    • You must have proper documentation that lets you work in Peru.
    • You must conform to a specific physical profile: being a young girl, attractive and have a neat silhouette, athletic or thin.
    • You must send your data and several recent photographs through the following form Casting.
    • You must interview with our recruitment department to corroborate all of your information, so we can agendarte an appointment with our professional photographers.

  • They are women who have sex in exchange for financial compensation. Escort word is used to define a model of high-level companion, with very superior aesthetic and cultural attributes.


The fastest way to contact us is by telephone, by whatsapp chat or through our website, but we also suggest you access the contact form available on the web.